Sara Al-Batoti

Sara Al-Batoti

Sara Al-Batoti is an architect of green and eco-friendly buildings; she has founded “Eco Consult”, which is one of the most outstanding Egyptian companies in the field of environmental design. Al-Batoti is one of the leaders of architecture whose specializations and interests are based on climate change and environmental solutions, she is the only Egyptian recognized by “Bloomberg Good Business” as green and also the first to be recognized by the UN’s sustainable development leader.

Sara Al-Batoti is currently one of the most important young leaders in Egypt, making her the youngest member of the president’s advisory council, a member of the founding team of the presidential youth leadership program, as well as a member of the presidency’s specialized council for community development.

Sara Al-Batoti, was chosen among the 50 most influential women in Egypt in 2019, due to her role in the implementation of the sustainable development map, and her company “Eco Consult” was listed by “Ashden” as one of the 22 best innovators in the fight against climate in the world.