Lamis Najm

Lamis Najm

Lamis Najm graduated from Ain Shams University school of commerce in 1986, enrolled in banking before graduating with training at the beginning of her undergraduate studies, and worked with the ACB and then BA.

Najm joined CBM in 1993, during which she moved among many departments, gradate to the position of vice-chairman of CBM, she also participated as a member of the Community development committee of the FEB in 2014 until she chaired the Committee in 2020.

Lamis Najm joined the CBE in 2017 as an adviser to the governor of the CBE for CSR, her position began to establish a CSR Unit in the CBE, through which CSR is activated among all active banks and the creation of communication tools between banking institutions, thereby supporting the benefit of multiple segments of society.

Lamis Najm joined the MCDR board in March 2020 as the first woman to join the board. She has been involved in community work as she grew. She grew up in community work in its limited range and available until she participated in several community institutions through which she contributed to support many activities such as “Ahlu Misr” Foundation, “Ingaz” Foundation and, “Enactus” Foundation, which are working to develop young people’s skills and qualify them for the market.