Dr.Dalia Abd-El-Kader

Dr.Dalia Abd-El-Kader

Dr.Dalia Abd-El-Kader specializes in studies of sustainable finance and corporate CSR, building and creating value for brands, she is currently head of the marketing and media sector at the AAIB, she is the Vice President and a member of the Board of Trustees of WFE, the first and most important and active institution in the fields of health and education established by a banking institution in Egypt, she is Chairman of the Commission on Sustainability and Community Development of the FEB.

Dr.Dalia has shown ability through a long track record in creating a strong brand for the AAIB, puting it among the leading banking institutions in the area of CSR and sustainability, which led to the bank’s appreciation in the Best Practices Manual of the UN Global Compact Initiative for five years, she also played a key role in becoming the first bank to join both the “Global Compact” and “Equator Principles” initiatives and to become the first to establish a community development institution.

Dr.Dalia Abd-El-Kader has bachelor’s degree in political science and economics and master’s degree in political science from AUC and doctorate in political science from Cairo University.